@LeslieMac & @VeryWhiteGuy discuss DNC survey, Google search map, independent female salamanders, Congressman explains his porn, 3-Day reflection law, $13m credit card theft, Hulk Hogan’s legal benefactor, canna-honey, Drew’s Holiday Inn tales, student charged with stealing milk, POTUS beat boxes in the Vietnam, all-white jury has Clarence Thomas on its side, tip to sustain a life committed to justice, Real World 31 recap announcement & more.
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- Twitter: @LeslieMac
- Instagram: lesliemac23
- Twitter: @VeryWhiteGuy
- AskFM: VeryWhiteGuy
In person events:
Come see LeslieMac in #Detroit at Allied Media Conference 2016
Come see LeslieMac in #Philly at Mashable’s Social Media Day
June 30th – Social Activism Panel – tickets & details: http://www.smdayphl.com/
Show Notes – Interracial Jawn Podcast – Ep 96
- A stealthy, stronger line of female salamanders are skipping sex and stealing DNA from males instead – http://qz.com/689546/a-stealthy-stronger-line-of-female-salamanders-are-skipping-sex-and-stealing-dna-from-males-instead/?utm_source=policymicTWTR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social
- Congressman posts screen grab to Facebook with porn tabs open – http://gawker.com/close-your-porn-tabs-before-posting-screenshots-to-your-1776955238
- Louisiana Is Imposing a 3-Day “Reflection” Period on Women Seeking Abortions – https://mic.com/articles/144150/louisiana-will-force-women-to-spend-three-days-thinking-about-if-they-want-abortions?utm_source=policymicTWTR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social#.RrPU19bdb
- Thieves steal 13 million in 2 hours from 1400 ATM transactions in Japan using stolen African credit cards – http://money.cnn.com/2016/05/23/news/bank-fraud-south-africa-japan/index.html
- This Silicon Valley Billionaire Has Been Secretly Funding Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuits Against Gawker – http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanmac/2016/05/24/this-silicon-valley-billionaire-has-been-secretly-funding-hulk-hogans-lawsuits-against-gawker/#4050828e7805
Weed News
- This Guys Trained His Bees To Make Honey From Weed – https://www.greenrushdaily.com/2016/03/03/bees-making-honey-from-cannabis/
- Virginia Student Cuffed and Suspended Over “Stealing” a Free Milk Carton Worth 65 Cents – https://mic.com/articles/144310/virginia-student-cuffed-and-suspended-over-stealing-a-free-milk-carton-worth-65-cents?utm_source=policymicTWTR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social#.abaq4TKEE
Lameduck Blackness
- Watch: President Obama Beatboxes While Vietnamese Woman Raps VIDEO – http://www.theroot.com/blogs/the_grapevine/2016/05/watch_president_obama_beat_box_while_vietnamese_woman_raps.html
White People
- Prosecutor arranges all white jury to convict black man, supreme court overturns – http://us.cnn.com/2016/05/23/politics/supreme-court-racial-discrimination/index.html
This Week in Apologies
- Trudeau elbow gate 2:05 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2fsYx-K1XI
From fired up to burnout 7 tips to help you sustain a life committed to social justice
TBGWT in Ebony!
I’m Black HELLO! – Leslie’s new MUSE:
Jamaican kids say the darnedest things
I'm Black Hello! pic.twitter.com/xXTNpC3qUk
— Views From 876 ?? (@ViewsFrom876JA) May 23, 2016