@LeslieMac & @VeryWhiteGuy discuss Leslie Ruins UCONN, NOLA confederate monument removal cost update, Jamaican well done steak, NY State to offer free tuition at public colleges, FL fire started by book burning, CA High School students respond to racist “burn book”, Sean Hannity gets trolled, lunch money stamp on kids in AZ, Fox News sued for racial discrimination, Maxine Waters is everything, Chicago cop accused of framing 51 people for murder, Midwest “sundown towns”, new children’s book helps Black Boys lift up Black Girls, Common Cat Calls that we all hate, plus UK reality show that never aired, Handmaid’s Tale trailer triggers Toupee Fiasco supporters, Mama June, Tickled, Major Crimes, The Amazing Race, Stitcher, 13 Reasons Why & more.
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- Twitter: @LeslieMac
- Instagram: lesliemac23
- Website: LeslieMac.com
- SafetyPinBox.com
- Twitter: @VeryWhiteGuy
- AskFM: VeryWhiteGuy
Catch Leslie Mac in Boston April 11-13 as she co-leads the Organizing on Safety Pins & Needles Ally Training with DiDi Delgado from BLM-Cambridge: https://ospanonline.wixsite.com/ospan
OR Register to watch online April 11: http://bit.ly/OSPANOnlineApr11
Show Notes – Interracial Jawn Podcast – Ep 127
- Jamaican meat & the well done steak done right – https://twitter.com/VeryWhiteGuy/status/848573984232886273
- New York set to become first state to offer free tuition at public four-year colleges – https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/new-york-to-become-the-largest-state-to-offer-tuition-free-public-higher-education/2017/04/08/3fe0563a-1c8b-11e7-9887-1a5314b56a08_story.html?utm_term=.e27f19ab1370
- Florida fire started by book burning destroys at least 10 homes http://us.cnn.com/2017/03/23/us/florida-book-burning-fire/index.html
- High School Students in Liberal California Town Create Horribly Racist Burn Book – http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a9218742/high-school-students-in-liberal-california-town-create-horribly-racist-burn-book/
- Sean Hannity get’s troll’d/punk’d on twitter https://twitter.com/yashar/status/850405250934681600
- After backlash, school stops stamping ‘lunch money’ on kids with low funds – http://www.today.com/food/school-stamped-kids-lunch-money-when-account-was-low-t110073?cid=sm_npd_td_tw_ma
White People
- Women say Fox News VP mocked them in racial discrimination suit – http://thegrio.com/2017/04/06/fox-news-racial-discrimination-lawsuit/
Dope Black Girls
- The internet and social media has turned @MaxineWaters into one of the biggest stars in American politics – https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/850485237029064704
Yes All Cops
- A Chicago cop is accused of framing 51 people for murder. Now, the fight for justice – https://www.buzzfeed.com/melissasegura/detective-guevaras-witnesses?utm_term=.uoJaMJjJk#.kw9B7y1yQ
Hidden History
- Sundown towns’: Midwest confronts its complicated racial legacy – http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2017/0327/Sundown-towns-Midwest-confronts-its-complicated-racial-legacy
Artist Creates Illustration Book To Teach Black Boys How To Uplift Our Girls – https://blavity.com/lawrence-lindell-creates-from-black-boy-with-love-to-teach-black-boys-how-to-uplift-black-girls
The 20 Most Common Types of Catcalls and Other Forms of Street Harassment I Wish Ya’ll Would Stop Doing – http://verysmartbrothas.com/the-20-most-common-types-of-catcalls-and-other-forms-of-street-harassment-i-wish-yall-would-stop-doing/
- TV show contestants spend year in wilderness – with no one watching – https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/mar/23/eden-reality-show-contestants-year-wilderness-no-one-watching
- Trump Supporters Are Getting Triggered by an Adaptation of a Novel Over 30 years old – http://observer.com/2017/03/trump-handmaids-tale-elizabeth-moss/
- Shia LaBeouf’s ‘Man Down’ Likely to End U.K. Run With Just 3 Tickets Sold http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/shia-labeoufs-man-down-end-uk-run-just-three-tickets-sold-991306